Diary of an ACS Intern

Written By: Aishwarya Subramanian, MFT Trainee at ACS, On-Campus Counseling Program

it is a cold, foggy morning, 

the last day of school before the weekend. As I walk onto the campus grounds of La Entrada Middle School in Menlo Park, all bundled up in layers, I am reminded of another cold foggy morning from years past, when I was with family on vacation. We were lost in a new city, but we sought comfort in being together, in the warmth of each other’s company. Suddenly, the nostalgia of that memory fades as I am faced with the harsh, sad reality that being with a supportive family is not something many adolescents can look forward to this season.

As one of my fellow ACS interns once said to me, we have such a strange and interesting job as clinicians. The intimate details and intricacies of clients’ lives that we are privy to is an incredible amount to hold space for, emotionally. There is both pain and pleasure in many of their life stories, and we, too, become a part of those narratives in some way.

I am eternally grateful for my decision to select ACS as my first clinical placement and practicum site. The level of training and supervision provided by the agency feels supportive and nourishing in my journey as a developing clinician. I appreciate that my passion to work with youth is one that is shared by all members of the organization; it makes for an inspiring and collaborative work environment. I am grateful for ACS’ community of colleagues, mentors, and supervisors, many of whom I hope to stay connected with over the course of my professional career.