Everything You Wanted To Say To Your Middle Schooler, But Didn’t Know How-Part V Conclusion

By: Philippe Rey, Psy.D.
Executive Director of Adolescent Counseling Services

Concluding our conversation about middle schoolers, and how to better prepare your child and yourself for this period of life; let us look at other topics of conversation that might be awkward or difficult to address:

  • –        Music
  • –        Depression and Suicide
  • –        Tattoos
  • –        Piercing
  • –        Racism
  • –        Spirituality
  • –        Homosexuality

The key to starting a conversation about all or any of these topics is to be real and direct. I want to stress, if you have experience or have experimented with any of these subject areas, be genuine, real and honest about your experiences. It only makes matters worse if your child feels they cannot trust you anymore.

Lastly, here are my quick tips for all parents raising an adolescent child:

  1. •You are NOT your child’s best friend!
  2. •Ask questions but LISTEN, mostly!
  3. •Turn the TV, Radio, DVD, PC’s OFF!
  4. •Have dinner together as often as possible!
  5. •Take short and long drives with your kids and LISTEN to what they are talking about!
  6. •Say “NO” when appropriate!
  7. •If you threaten, then follow through!
  8. •Be involved!
  9. •Listen to their songs… ask questions!
  10. •Watch their TV shows!
  11. •Read their magazines!
  12. •Level yourself to them…not the opposite!
  13. •Celebrate and praise ALL passing grades!

The staff and therapists at Adolescent Counseling Services are always available to help and answer any questions you may have about adolescence, therapy, substance abuse, and more…

Call Us: 650.424.0852
Visit Us: 1717 Embarcardero Rd, Suite 4000, Palo Alto, CA
or Email Us: info@acs-teens.org

Request a complimentary copy of our “99 Tips For Talking With Your Teen” by going to our website and submitting a request.

You can also find more resources and articles on our website acs-teens.org under the Resources tab.