Parenting Teens and Technology (Part 7)

Video Phone

Photographs are of models and are used for illustrative purposes. ©

Respect for Others

Define stealing – Teach your child to respect another’s work and the right to be paid and get credit for it.

“Technology does not trump thoughtfulness. Infringing on the rights of others reflects poorly on you and certainly isn’t what wireless technology is about.”
Tom Wheeler, President/CEO of Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association

“Finders Keepers doesn’t count on the Internet.”
Business Software Alliance

Discourage cheating:

“More than a third of teens with cell phones (35%) admit to cheating at least once with them. And two-thirds of all teens (65%) say others in their school cheat with them.

– Half (52%) of teens admitted to some form of cheating involving the Internet:
Most notably, more than a third (38%) have copied text from Web sites and turned it in as their own work.”
Source: Hi-Tech Cheating: Cell Phones and Cheating in Schools
A National Poll by Common Sense Media and Benenson Strategy Group


Stealing is taking anything that doesn’t belong to you and using it for your own – words, music, pictures, movies, books, artwork, information, ideas.

Go to for parent and teacher guides developed by the Business Software Alliance on teaching students to respect ‘intellectual property’, materials developed by someone else.

Conversation Starters:

  • Let’s think of a time you worked hard to create something that was yours.
  • How would you would feel if someone took that and said it was their’s?
  • Can you think of a time that someone took credit for something you did?
  • How would you show respect for someone else’s work?
  • This survey shows that cheating with cellphones happens a lot.  Have you seen this happen in your classes?
  • How does cheating affect you?
  • Let me tell you how I feel about cheating.  It is wrong.

Written and edited by Elizabeth Schar for Adolescent Counseling Services