September Is National Recovery Month!

As September marks the beginning of a new school year and a new season, September also honors a new beginning for those who choose recovery as the next step in their lives. This month is National Recovery Month and ACS not only wants to celebrate those who are in recovery, but those treatment providers and advocates who support recovery. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) says that “Recovery Month spreads the positive message that behavioral health is essential to overall health, that prevention works, treatment is effective and people can and do recover.” This can be an inspiring message to all of us as National Recovery Month is not only limited to substance abuse but also pertains to recovery in terms of our overall mental, social, and emotional wellness. Understanding that treatment is available is key because it deters from seeking solace in drugs and alcohol- things which only exacerbate the initial problems. To learn more about National Recovery Month and what you can do to get involved this month visit